With our customer card we offer you exclusive advantages when shopping on site, during events, the opportunity to benefit from discounts or receive services for free.

Activate now - iOS
Activate now - Android

Benefits, registration and explanation points

The Callaway National Performance Center Eichenried has developed an NPC VIP bonus program with a customer card.

Your advantages:

  • Up to 10% credit in the form of points, which can be redeemed for your next purchase
  • Exclusive invitations to special Callaway Eichenried events e.g. Martin Borgmeier or Tourplayer Workshop, special lady fitting (REVA program) or fashion show
  • Monthly competition with attractive prizes.

    Participation in the competition is free.

In order to participate in the bonus program, the following steps are necessary:
  1. Download the Callaway Eichenried app from your respective app store
  2. Open the app
  3. Allow the app to send push messages

If you already have a customer account:
  • Log in with your access data. Your access data was sent to you by email when you first registered and consists of “first name” and a password.
  • If you don't know your password, you can use the "Forgot your password?" function. have a new password sent to you. This will be sent to the email address provided and stored with us. Alternatively, you can also enter your username “firstnamelastname”.
  • If you do not know your email address or username, but are sure that an account already exists in your name, please contact our Pro-Shop team.

In this case, please do not create a new account!

If you do not yet have a customer account:
  • Register with your customer data (mandatory information: salutation, first name, last name, telephone number and email)
  • You will receive your access data by email as soon as you have activated your account
  • Use the “Customer Card” button. to activate your customer card

How can points be collected?
GC Eichenried members
Please check BEFORE your next one Purchasing, whether we list you as a member of GC Eichenried.

  1. Open the app
  2. Select the “Account” button
  3. If you are already listed as a member of GC Eichenried, you will see “Account –” at the top right. Member Eichenried”. If we do not yet list you as a member of GC Eichenried, please contact our team in the pro shop immediately.
  4. If you haven't already done so, please activate your customer card (see above)
  5. From now on, you will automatically receive 10% of your purchase value in points credited to your account for every purchase when you show the app at the checkout. The points collected expire after 24 months.

Guests of GC Eichenried
  1. Open the app
  2. If you haven't already done so, please activate your customer card (see above)
  3. From now on, you will automatically receive 5% of your purchase value (from 250 euros) and 10% of your purchase value (from 1,000 euros) in points credited to your account for every purchase when you show the app at the checkout.

The points collected expire after 24 months.

How can points be redeemed?
  • If you have collected enough points, you can redeem them instead of making a cash payment on your next purchase with us.
  • To pay with points, you must show your customer card at the checkout.
  • Purchases paid for with points are non-returnable.

The Callaway Eichenried customer card is exclusively for end consumers. Employees of Callaway, Golfclub München Eichenried GmbH & Co. KG, Golfakademie Eichenried GmbH are excluded.